On The Pulse Clinics

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Needle Phobia

Needle Phobia

When I think about acupuncture and how acupuncture impacts on how a person feels, my initial thoughts are never 'OMG needles'! I think calmness, energy, balance.

Yet sometimes when I suggest in public that people should try acupuncture, a common reaction I hear is,"'Why would you 'allow' someone to stick needles in you", and/or, "why would you inflict pain voluntarily on yourself!"

I guess, firstly, I would ask you, are you comfortable with the current pain you have in your life? If you are not, surely it's worth trying a treatment that is known to effectively eliminate pain. Secondly, why do you think acupuncture would increase that threshold of pain to off the richter scale? Acupuncture simply does not work that way.

Yes there are needles involved, but the guage, meaning the width of the needle, is smaller than any needle you will have had used on you before. Ok let me clarify. When you have an injection there is a bore or hole down the centre of the needle to allow fluid/medication to pass through into the body. If you have a blood test, the needle width is thicker again with a bore in its centre, as blood is more viscous, and needs more space to travel from the vessel into the syringe chamber. Some of you may have had the mother of all needles, a dialysis needle in your arm or leg, then I would appreciate your fear or phobia of needles.....but you are probably over that phobia a long time ago! Ironically, people find it somewhat easier to tolerate all of those needles as they are perceived as necessary, and obviously mostly they are. Mentally it is more acceptable to us, as it is the familiar, something we all grew with and encountered at some point in our lives. 

Finally, there is the very fine yet powerful acupuncture needle that takes seconds to insert and is generally speaking painless. It is the sensation that comes to the needle, termed as Qi, that you will be aware of. That sensation is different for everyone and different for every acupuncture point. It can be dull, achy, sharp, tingly or no sensation. Regardless of sensation, it will work. My aim as an acupuncturist is to resolve your issue with as few needles as possibly with as little discomfort as possible.

I would say most people that come through my door for their initial visit are slightly apprehensive, some are terrified of needles.  I really do understand and acknowledge that this fear is very real for people. I also know 100% that person will leave my office and it will not be the foremost thought in their head. If that person was not smiling due to treatment effect, I would wonder what I had done wrong! My favourite types of client are those with needle phobias and skeptics.  

Acupuncture comes originally from China......albeit subconsciously, we in the West perceive a difference, even though acupuncture has been part of our culture, for about 3 decades now. Also, our society is multicultural these days, which brings with it lots of positive aspects to our lives. People generally like to stick with what they know, regardless of what is available to them sadly.

Acupuncture is an evidence based treatment, not a 'wo wo makie uppie' quackery science. Perhaps, if you change your perception and recognise the value of a good acupuncturist you will give it a try. What have you got to lose, a phobia, which by its very nature is a 'makie uppie' thought, driven by unnecessary fear. 

Happy to answer any queries you might have.

Until next time,

Feel the fear and do it anyway.