Positive Emotions Open the Mind


Our perspective on life, regardless of our circumstances is what allows us to see the bigger picture. Perspective enables you to feel those moments of joy and laughter and connection with others. I really believe this. I’ve met too many ‘happy’ people (in the real sense of the word), who have challenges where many would have buckled at the knees. I noticed in these people, a brief buckle of maybe a year and then a sense of purpose for their life and a knowing of the value of having a life.

In my experience, looking inward is necessary…..looking at the science about it shows us that self awareness is precisely 20% useful….but looking outward with an enlightened perspective is where people flourish. Nobody sails through life without challenges in different guises. The learning we can gain can catapult us with purpose.

This is the type of work do. I engage with people, from all walks of life, in small groups and one to one where we briefly look in. Then we open up horizons and relationships and get focused for a life (personal/professional) filled with purpose that is fulfilling.

This is a great short video, of Barbara Fredrickson PhD, sharing the findings of research in a language that makes sense to all of us. I hope you enjoy it.


Technology and Your Health


The Only thing holding you back is thinking too hard...