Out With The Old & In With the New....click here

Out with the old & in with the new...hmm I’m not really a Happy New Years person... I’m more of a cup half full everyday kinda gal. If I’m having a challenging day, it will get better..or it might get worse before it gets better BUT it will get better. 2019 has been an incredible year for me in terms of making decisions & following through on them. Nothing happens for any of us instantaneously, although for some bonkers reason I always assume it will!

I used to say I preferred dogs to humans, but 2019 has shown me repeatedly how many great humans there are all around us. Therefor, I’m putting us humans on a par with dogs...this year at least 😉.

I am so grateful, to every new person I’ve met, people I’ve reconnected with, my family, definitely new friends I’ve made, & all the people I now know that share a similar value system to me. I am most grateful to the people that shoved me out of my comfort zone...repeatedly👍 You know who you are. A special mention to Nicola & Amanda. I could actually just write a list of all the people that guide and push and cheer me on, but I make a point of expressing gratitude on a regular basis, so that base is covered.

I’m truly grateful for all the incredible opportunities...which I created for learning & upskilling. Training requires investment & the willing choice of not doing or having as a result. It means time, energy, determination, travelling, new ways of thinking which challenges previous beliefs. It’s never easy accepting a previous system is flawed but I embrace the understanding why. I absolutely love that. Lightbulb moments in life, you simply cannot put a price on those. This leads to the rationale of change & putting that into practice in my worjk and sometimes my personal life.

Being told the system you use is flawed is challenging for many people. I am not talking at people as a result. However, I know although never intentional, I make some people uncomfortable, because it pushes people them out of their comfort zone. I do not judge people for that. This is not some ‘ego buzz’, that I know best. I don’t. I know best for me only, with the knowledge I have. The world was flat until it wasn’t right!

The discomfort where growth happens. This is where the magic of life is, that shift in mindset to being a better version of what you were, to what you are now. This happens in our personal & professional lives, because inevitably it can’t happen in one & not in the other. This lesson was a huge learning curve for me this year. I am a service provider. I bring me into my job. It is the professional me but my value system is the same in and outside work.

Learning creates understanding the world from a different perspective. Learning in different countries with people from different cultures, the icing on the cake for me personally. This enables me to then use, in my experience, what actually affects the people I see in my work, not only in a positive way, but in an empowering way. It’s not guess work. It’s not makey uppy!! It’s training with experts with decades of experience in addition to my own & kaboom 💥 It’s the behind the scenes hard slog. It’s that huge effort that creates the rewards. Its about doing things that make you feel physically sick & standing out & using your voice & feeling dizzy on your own vulnerability. And then you receive your reward. It’s about speaking your truth. The bottom line is, I know there is another system for health & quality of life that can be life changing for people. In 2020 I’m going to share more. Embracing discomfort is once again on my list of 2020 things that will get done.

Whatever your reflections are on for 2019, I can fully guarantee you, if you choose for 2020 to be your best yesr for learning, it will happen.

ThankU Universe

Forever grateful



I don’t remember the conversation that day, but I remember how I felt…