How Do You Navigate Social Media Part 2


‘My day has been fantastic.’ How many posts on social media do we see on a daily basis, that tell us this! Beautiful quotes. Beautifully designed. Pictures or videos of beautiful people smiling at us fabulously. Daily exposures or reminders. Deciphering the authentic in life these days becomes trickier.

Continuing to part 2…

Lets take siblings. How can that be that your outlook is so different? You grew up in the same environment. Well it’s because life changes, and society evolves and stuff happens in families. Perhaps you were diagnosed with a childhood illness? Perhaps your Mums pregnancy with you was different. Perhaps there was more money around when you were growing up, and you had more opportunities that your siblings. It doesn’t make either of your opinions better, it’s just the formation of different perspectives. There are so many variables. Nothing stays the same. Experts debate on nature over nurture and visa versa constantly.

Is it not true that our internal environment is as significant as our external one with our thinking minds?

I am more fascinated by the internal one, the physical self and how that impacts our thought processes. I believe if you respect and take responsibility for yourself, you will in turn take joint respect and responsibility for the external environment. If you don’t think your physical health is a priority to look after, how can you trust your thinking and your decision making?

How is that true you might ask. Well try this, when you have a cold with lots of phlegm how’s your concentration? When you have back, knee or hip pain where is your focus? When you are under a lot of stress how are your decision making skills? When you just found out your 14 year old teenager is using recreational drugs, where do your thought processes spiral to? When you are craving fast food and you eat it frequently how’s your mood? When you drink too much alcohol does you body and mind work as efficiently the next day? You simply cannot separate your physical body from the rest of you, because that completes you as a person. If you have chosen to disconnect from that, it’s the best place to start, to get your head into the space you want it to be. Feeling physically stronger will change your perspective on everything. It takes time, with many rewards to motivate you on your way…



How do you navigate social media in your life


How Do You Navigate Social Media