Holidays, Where next and Integrative Oncology Practice

I hope you have all enjoyed some time out over the holiday period getting lost in a movie , or laughing out loud at a daft comedy, chatting to friends on Facetime or old school phone conversations. I hope you were able to indulge in some deliciousness and savour time out from the craziness that can invade our headspace regularly. I hope some of you were as lucky as I am to walk many miles/kms with 2 of the best dogs globally (I'm making that official, 2 very special canines in my life).

It's been a while since I made any appearance on social media. Life and work have limited my time to post.

I work a lot with people who have or who have had cancer and whilst I had plenty of training and academics under my belt, I wanted to do a specialist course in Oncology (cancer care) that met my needs, both as a nurse and an acupuncturist. I have learned quite a lot which means I am now ready to share some of my learning with you. After an awful lot of work it was a great gift to recive this particular certification on Christmas morning!

My blog page will reflect some of the work I do with clients and information that you will find interesting if you or someone close to you is living with cancer.

It is important to make it very clear, I support people with cancer who are receiving or have received chemotherapy and or radiation and/or surgery. What I do significantly improves quality of life alongside hospital based care. I also support people who have finished their treatment and are in the recovery phase of their illness. I use an integrative approach. This involves either one or all of the following: acupuncture, chinese herbal medicine and mental fitness building.

This work I do applies regardlesss of whether you living with a diagnosis of stage 1 or stage 4.

2022 I am looking forward to experiencing whatever life unfolds and working with and supporting as many people as I can.


I don't have burnout. I'm just tired.


Bells Palsy