I don't have burnout. I'm just tired.

Burnout is almost accepted as a ‘normal’ part of modern life. We moderate our use of words to describe it, so it sounds like it is something that happens to us, a politically correct use of words that are more palatable to ourselves and often those around us.

I am tired all the time, my body aches, I can’t think straight, I can’t sleep, I am busy all the time but I don’t seem to get a lot done, I’m frustrated and I don’t know why, I can’t make decisions easily, I question myself all the time, I can’t remember where I put my phone, my concentration is kaput! I have no energy and I feel wired. I simply cannot switch off. I get emotional and I don’t know why. I’m anxious for no reason sometimes. I’m just so tired. 

All signs of burnout, but if somebody described you as a person experiencing burnout, you immediately rationalise how you feel and talk about the changes you are going to make. Deep down you know this  won’t happen. Not because you don’t want to make changes, but you simply feel like you haven’t got the energy to start.

I run a Zentastic 6 weeks Acupuncture with Mental fitness Training Courses on an ongoing basis. Specifically with you in mind. Acupuncture supports the physical recovery as well as mental emotional. Acupuncture is great at relaxing the nervous system, supporting your immune system and getting rid of inflammation in the body. Together with an app for daily exercises which instantly calm, improve clarity of thinking, increase you energy levels and enable you to experience joy in your life on a regular basis. 

Cumulatively the acupuncture and mental fitness brings you to a place where you feel stronger & happier in a very real way. Living with tools you can use enabling you to navigate life with all it’s challenges.


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