Food, Fan or Foe?

Food, Fan or Foe?

Food, Fan or Foe

Weight loss or gain, body image and a healthy body requires more than just a food plan!

I have seen many people over the years struggle with weight management and weight loss.

My own unhealthy experience with food in my younger years, is part of what enables me to work on a human to human level.. For that reason, I don’t work solely with food plans and people ever. There’s far too much emotion and/or belief systems attached to food for people. Weight loss, body image and a healthy body requires more than just a food plan.

People often tell me, they have no emotional attachment to food, “it’s fuel” and yet they control almost every morsel of food they ever eat. Alternatively, they have no idea how food impacts their health. For people who forget to eat because they are time limited. I hear what all those people say. My job is never to judge. My job is to make transitioning to a healthier way of living in partnership with the person in front of me.

With I guess the wisdom of age! And, with hindsight, wasted living time… eventually, I got sick and tired or wasting valuable energy I needed for living my life fully. I found what works not only for me but what could also work for you too. It’s always a choice.

I really wanted to provide a way of eating for clients that has an evidence base. Having studied nutrition for 3 years… oh boy is there a lot of marketing that surrounds the reality of real food. I realised very quickly how much evidence exists for most mainstream marketed ways of eating. Vegan or Paleo. pescatarian, vegetarian, fasting in any direction you want to go, that list goes on…

Clients don’t want to hear all the minutiae or marketing, research studies and endless explanations. People want practical. Can I introduce this into my life right now and can you support the uncomfortableness I feel with change. The answer is yes I can do that with you.

The bottom line for a person who doesn’t want to drive themselves crazy is, use the KISS principle. Keep it Simple Smart. What this says to me is keep it practical, don’t complicate you life, it has to be easy to buy in any supermarket and don’t kid yourself around food.

If you would like to know how the principles behind low carb for weight management and loss work, I’ve done a short video for you to watch. All you need to do is email me for access. It’s on You Tube. I’ll send you the link which enables you to view it. Then you are either ready for change and you are off to the races yourself, no support needed. Or you are a person that needs more. A person who has issues with their health as a result of eating habits or a medical diagnosis you have received. In that case watch the video and/or just get in touch.

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