Pour - Stir - Dissolve - Drink - Easy

Our lifestyle has dramatically changed since Chinese Herbal Medicine first became available in the West. When I first qualified, clients had to boil up, what resembled leves and twigs for hours, spreading an ‘interesting’ aroma throughout peoples living accommodation including hallways!

You then strained and separated the liquid decoction and stored it in the fridge. This odour permeated your fridge and it’s contents.similar to hallways it seemed… The final step involved warming the amount you needed to take. This process had to be repeated every 3 days, with every batch. Of course the herbal decoction still worked but it simply isn’t practical nowadays.

There are a few potential issues with this. Here’s three examples. If you are nauseous for whatever reason, even the thought of the aroma makes this an impossible task. If taking on anything else into your hectic day feels overwhelming, it can impact consistency in taking herbs. Nothing works if you don’t commit and in this scenario another commitment feels impossible. Thirdly, the people you live with might object to the odour. This is another issue you won’t want to spend your limited energy on. People who want solutions, don’t want additional problems and I’m totally onboard with that. KISS principle for every client. Keep clients commitment simple to onboard, easy to use and practical to implement. The smartness is in the complexity of formulas I can provide.

Nowadays, it simply requires that final step above. The herbs I provide just require a mug/cup, a kettle of boiled water and a teaspoon. Pour, stir, dissolve and drink. The formulas are individualised to each client. They are transportable, easy to use, hassle free and equally as effective.

If herbal medicine is an option you have been thinking about, or you are looking into different solutions to your problems, remember , implementing your choice is as important as the choice you make.


7 Reasons I can Provide You with A Unique Service


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