Do you use alcohol for your anxiety...

During lockdown the consumption of alcohol increased significantly. The WhatApp jokes were flying around, and the normalisation, that alcohol is an acceptable way to self sooth or self medicate was an inviting option. The repercussions for many relationships and womens health in the form of increased anxiety and depression, were not quite as funny as the WhatsApp messages, which quite frankly became less jovial. This was not your solution and you know it.

Because work is such a huge part of our lives, and a lot of our colleagues are people we socialise with, there was suddenly a big gap of human connection, which is essential for us as functioning human beings. We are social creatures, even those of you that are introverts. You may not talk as much but it doesn't make you any less part of a group.

Isolation, loneliness and the unknowing of when will this all be over can create huge anxiety for people. Alcohol can block that out briefly.

For some of you the second lockdown, you reassessed and quite simply stopped. For others it has not been so easy.

here is a fine line between chronic overindulgence and an addiction to alcohol. I help women who need support for anxiety and low mood without the need for alcohol.

#wellbeing #anxiety #selfcare #sleep #lowenergy #health


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